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Moleskine Towers around the world…

Share with us your #MoleskineTower every #TowerThursday... Who has the tallest? Let's reach for the stars.

Moleskine Towers around the world…

This is the place where you can share your #MoleskineTower, show off your history with Moleskine notebooks, planners, cahiers, accessories or pens, anything is allowed. Let’s find out who can make the tallest tower in the world – the sky is the limit!

Use the tag #TowerThursday or #MoleskineTower to be featured in the gallery.

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  1. PaulFletcher

    I can’t believe how many Moleskines some people have. I’ve been using the Panoramic Weekly Diary every year since 1999 and the lined notebook for our holiday activities, both in Australia and overseas, since 2003, and I thought I was doing well. Moleskine is obviously a brilliant product, with enormous repeat-purchase power.


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