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Your Daily Chapters

Can you think of 5 things you do every day?
Expired on March 10th, 2015; scroll to see the entries.


Your Daily Chapters

Can you think of 5 things you do every day?

Getting your coffee in the morning, checking e-mail and appointments for the day, hitting the gym, updating your status on social media, noting down expenses…

We all have a handful of actions we never forget to do, the chapters which eventually define the story of each day.

For this Creativity Challenge we’re asking you to list the things you do every day, using the new Chapters Index Template.

Download the Moleskine Chapters Index Template here, then submit your list with the tag #M_myChapters.

If your image is the best among the three most voted ones, we’ll send you a box full of Moleskine Chapters Journals, enough to help you map out your days for a good
part of 2015.

Expired on March 10th. The winner of this Creativity Challenge is deborah.

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