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Hacks category


  1. Jeanette Hildwine

    This is a fantastic idea! Not only can this idea be used for yarn but also for fabric. Lord knows that quilters have giant stashes!!! A tiny snippet of fabrics we own would be great when shopping for more. A simple check when the fabric is completely used would let you know that you’re out of it! Thanks for posting this idea!

  2. Erin O'Halloran Post author

    Thanks! I forgot to mention that I used a pocket-sized Cahier for this. I ran regular clear tape over the front and back of the perforation on the back pages, so they didn’t fall out. You could be more organized than me, if you wanted, and group yarns or fabrics by type, and add tabs to find each type quickly.

  3. Erin O'Halloran Post author

    Sorry — also forgot to mention that this holds up much better than I imagined it would. The cover’s gotten quite soft, but the pages inside are still in great shape…even after I managed to drop my purse (with this in it) in a dolphin tank at Sea World, lol.

  4. Anonymous

    I have been a knitter for 60 years. I have a huge stash, mostly a collection of several small amounts of each yarn. This “go” notebook will be useful and a great complement to my inventory on Ravelry.com. I have also a collection of Moleskine notebooks. I have one just right here ready to take that task. I think I will compile the entries like my stash is organized. colours -> weight. I will also use washi tapes to hold down the yarn for easy removal. I might use a pencil to write entries, also for making changes.


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