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Recently bought a dozen Palomino Blackwing pencils and cant get over how smooth and near perfect they really are.  I'm so grateful that they are being reproduced.

This weekend I bought my daughter and niece both large Sketch Moleskine and provided each a new Blackwing's to inspire creativity to it's fullest.  Nothing quite like the smell of freshly sharpened cedar and a brand new Moleskine… The pics below are from the leather pencil holders that I stitched together so they wont loose the new pencils.

Maybe I will keep one of these pen/pencil holders for myself some day…

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  1. Anonymous

    The only problem with this is that you need to have a holder for a pencil sharpener because those blackwings lose point so quickly! 😉
    That said a harder lead blackwing is now available for writers.

    I have to agree. Blackwings on Moleskine paper work staggeringly well.


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