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  1. WillisKing

    I think it’s a great idea. My Aliens is a game in which you can create your own alien and make him walk around the world. You can also play with other players and fight them by shooting them or by throwing bombs at them. Visit this Marsh Runner for more useful ideas. I think that it is a good idea because it allows people to build their own alien and also allows them to play with other players. It’s a good way for kids to learn about how aliens look like and what they do in real life.

  2. Wooda11

    The word revelation is used in many ways. It can mean a direct communication from God, or it can mean a sudden insight into something that has been previously known but not understood. The latter definition is probably the most common one among Christians, and it’s what we’re talking about when we use the term in this lesson. You should know when was revelation written to know the history about christians. The gospel gives us an opportunity for salvation and restoration. All who repent and believe in Christ receive forgiveness for their sins and are restored to fellowship with God (Acts 13:38).


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