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Platform 9 3/4 in the King’s Cross Station (London) is the access point to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In Harry Potter books, going beyond this wall, there is the train that leads students to the magic castle of Hogwarts. With my Moleskine some of the creatures and symbols of the world created by J.K. Rowilng come out from the wall.

Check out my drawings also on Facebook and Instagram: @CityLiveSketch

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  1. Jonathan984

    Really good job. You have did a professional sketching which is representing the natural beauty. Could you do custom sketching. As we are doing the reviews of tablets around 200 and for the video setup we need such kind of cool sketching which could represent the tech background for our wall. So if you sketch for us it will be great. Then we will print those sketching on wallpaper which will give amazing look during the video.

  2. Robert

    Discover the enchanting magic world in London, a realm of wonder that transcends reality. Amidst the bustling city lies a hidden gem, Platform 9¾, the gateway to Hogwarts and beyond. Immerse yourself in the allure of wizardry and experience the thrill of the unknown. For an unforgettable journey into this extraordinary universe, visit https://magicalkatrina.com and unlock the secrets that await you in this bewitching metropolis.


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