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Waiting for his train on the Midnight City Metra Fast Transit (MCMFT) 99th Street stop, Sawyer, an artist, talks to Mitzi, a total stranger, about his late cousin Briana and the first two days in her blue pumps, inspiring another stranger to ask a couple of dismissive questions about his androgynous appearance and choice of footwear

Note: First-ever drawing in my fifties!

Imagined on the Metra Rock Island Eight-O-Five (8:05 PM evening train) to third shift and a late dinner at Panera Madison Street, Tuesday, July 3.
Developed over overnight work/lunch breaks and a McDonald’s breakfast with black coffee, July 3-4.

Crayola, Faber-Castell, and Prismacolor colored pencils; Crayola art markers, a Prismacolor Premier illustration marker, drafting pencils, and a Sharpie
On a Moleskine cahier notebook
3.5″ x 5.5″

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