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Why join myMoleskine

myMoleskine, where imaginations meet.

Why join myMoleskine

Have you ever imagined a place where artists and professional creatives from all over the world talk about their art, share their work and give you some ideas for your next masterpiece?

If so, you are in the right place. The soul of this community comes from the creativity of the many Moleskine lovers around the world that every day decide to share their works of art on myMoleskine.com

In the years a lot happened and this community has become a more and more active and sophisticated blank space for you to fill with ideas, words, plans and pictures.

Are you ready to be part of it? Come and register here.

Where to start: let your creative journey begin 

Start by personalizing your profile and wall with your artworks, sketches, notebook hacks, creative projects or watercolors. Share with us your social media plugins so we can quote you when sharing your work.


What to expect: the benefits of joining myMoleskine 

We will allow you to embellish your work by using our Adobe Creative Cloud integration Photo Editor (see below some of the functionalities available to edit your pictures or artworks) and much more.

We will give you special offers to store your artworks on the cloud: did you know that you can connect your Dropbox account to your myMoleskine profile? Take your images from Dropbox, directly upload them on myMoleskine, edit them with our photo editor and then save your new artworks straight back on Dropbox. There is a world of possibilities!


We will encourage you to participate in creativity challenges

We will share with you inspiration boards and top tips from other authors

We will reward the best author each month, stay tuned… more activities and information coming soon! Comments and suggestions are very welcome.



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