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What’s new on myMoleskine

From social sharing buttons to private messaging and personalized profiles there is a lot to be excited about on the new myMoleskine.
Get the conversation started.

And don’t forget to update your profile!

What’s new on myMoleskine

We’re excited about the updates to myMoleskine and it’s not just down to its fresh new look and feel and easy to navigate layout.
What we really love are all the new interactive features that enable members to reach out to each other, communicate with other platforms and share their artworks on their social networks.


Artistry and creativity thrive on conversation and starting a conversation on myMoleskine has just become a whole lot easier. More detailed and customizable profile pages provide more information about the people behind the artwork, so you know who you are talking to and you can now follow and become friends with other members. You can also send them private messages as well as comment and rate their artworks.

But conversations aren’t member-only. Integration with Dropbox and Adobe Creative Cloud makes it easier than ever to upload your creations.
And with the new social sharing buttons you can easily share your uploads with friends on all of your social networks directly from myMoleskine.

Get the conversation started. And don’t forget to update your profile!
Stay tuned for more updates and news from the myMoleskine community.

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