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There are many good and a few not-so-good things about my home, Leesburg, VA. I remember when I moved out here almost a decade ago, I’d occasionally see a little sticker sporting a fox-like symbol on the rear bumpers of some people’s cars. I thought, wow, people must really like foxes out here, or perhaps they belonged to some interesting, secret organization. What I discovered is that these people belonged to fox hunt clubs. At first, when I heard about these clubs, I though it was hilarious. Really, people still do that AND pride themselves on it? Get a life! Well, to each their own, right? Then I learned more about the reality involving the brutality of the “sport” that you will rarely see or read about on the websites for these groups. Seeing these stickers on the backs of cars makes me wonder how anyone could feel good about themselves, partaking in this strange behavior for the sake of some kind of status that no reasonable person could care less about. I’m hoping that eventually people wake up in these parts, let go of this ugly past “tradition” and move on, like they did in the UK, where fox hunting is now considered unethical and banned. Sir Paul McCartney fully backed the ban, saying “When the cruel and unnecessary ‘sport’ of hunting with dogs was banned, I, along with the majority of the British public, backed this historic victory for wildlife. The scenes described in this report of how animals were hunted down and savaged with dogs for fun before the Hunting Act 2004 was passed are simply barbaric and shocking and should remain a part of Britain’s past, not its future.”

I’ve got no problem with folks getting dressed up and riding their horses around in the country. It’s the fox killing that needs to go. It’s rare that I’ve seen a fox in the wild, and unfortunately, it’s usually when they’re roadkill. To see one, or a family of foxes is a almost a magical site. There’s no reason for the lives of these animals to be disturbed and disrupted, especially for such a pointless purpose. There are people who are taking action to ban this repulsive behavior however. In the meantime, the drawing below was loosely based on a photo from the Summer 2010 edition of Defenders of Wildlife magazine.

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  1. Noupette

    I’ve only just joined this group and this was the very first post I looked at. I happen to be an active member of The Laague Against Cruel Sports in the U and a defender of our beautiful badgers. I once spent a night in a cell having physically protecting setts from culling. For me, all wildlife is beautiful, and all has the right to live in peace without torture. I don’t know if you know this, but even here in the UK hunting with dogs still goes on, illegally. When the fox cubs are born each year, hunters dig them out and throw them to their dogs to ‘practise’ a kill. Of course, we are fighting against these appalling, deranged and sick people who have injured many hunt sabs by whipping them and trampling them with their horses. The horses, the dogs – all the animals involved in this cruelty are abused. Shocking that in 2020 these people still have not progressed from their base instincts of inflicting injury and death.

    I was lucky enough to live in the wilds for 5 years, up on the beautiful South Downs above the white cliffs leading to the sea. Badgers and foxes visited me nearly every night and it was such a joy. Once the badgers brought along two babies… I felt honoured and blessed.

    May humans one day respect the beauty of all life. I think things are put into perspective when one considers that badgers have been on this planet for around 14.8 billion years, and humans for around 200,000…

    Thanks for the lovely picture. May I post it to my fox-loving FB friends?


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