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Draw your vision

Capture your reality, then use the power of your thoughts to bring it to a new magical level, followed by #DrawYourVision.
Closed October 2019

Draw your vision

Let the magic of your imagination take over for our next myMoleskine Creativity Challenge. We want you to capture a distorted version of your reality, explore your thoughts and unleash your imagination.

Photograph your surroundings, let your imagination take flight and add your layer of creativity to your photo; we want you to reimagine your surroundings. Are you in a crowded bus? Transport yourself to an exotic jungle. Bored at your desk? Transform it into a great ocean filled for with adventures or turn your lamp into a dragon with a few simple strokes.

Add your touch of magic to what you have in front of you and show us how magical you can make your surroundings with just a dash of creativity.

Share your vision with us followed by #DrawYourVision on myMoleskine or Instagram to participate!

Entries closed.

Outcome of myMoleskine Creativity Challenge

Thank you to all who shared their creative vision with us!
Throughout this challenge, we rediscovered the world with your veil of creativity over it. One thing is certain, there are no limits to the imagination!

Here is a gallery of the top submissions from myMoleskine and Instagram, ready to be explored.

Discover their creations:
Farah Yusop

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