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Best of myMoleskine in 2016

To celebrate your talent and dedication in the past 12 months, we decided to look back and to bring you our favorite contributions to the community: the best of myMoleskine in 2016.

Best of myMoleskine in 2016

While wishing you a happy new year we want to say thank you to our community members for the good memories shared in 2016. Thousands of you have contributed to #myMoleskine from all over the world by uploading artworks, sketches, photos, videos, watercolors, hacks and much more.

To celebrate your talent and dedication in the past 12 months, we decided to look back and feature our favorite contributions to the community: the best of myMoleskine in 2016.

In the gallery below you will find:

10 Outstanding Moleskine Portraits
Featuring artworks by: Fuquan Junze, Sebastià Martí Benedí, Leen Van Velzen, Marta Krstic, Adele Flamand-Browne, Zofka, Molly Owen, Ania Tomicka, Laith, Klar Em.

10 Vibrant Open Air Sketches: including cityscapes and landscapes.
Featuring artworks by: Pietro Cataudella, Eric Kho, Anastasia Lavrova, Jitesh Patel, Anthony Choy, Tudor Adina, Dan Peterson, Alex Constant, Lilla Schuch, Antonio Carlos Euzebio Pereira.

And some of the most voted Artworks of the year by our top Authors 
Featuring artworks by: Mattias Adolffson, Lenkis Art, Junkyard Sam, Guo Jing, Eugenia Clara Fendri, Alina’s Art, Alex Constant, Juanjo Gaspar, Linda Coogan Byrne, Barbara Costa.

We know our selection just barely scratched the surface, you can explore more by checking out our Most Followed Authors and discover the Most Rated Artworks.

Let’s make 2017 even greater than 2016… time to start getting creative! Start by joining our latest Creativity Challenge.

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